When you sit down and really analyze email marketing it is very similar to newsletter marketing of years gone by. The biggest difference is that the message can be delivered for a limited cost and you get an almost immediate response. The biggest question in email marketing help normally deal with building an email database.
Building your database is a function of traffic to your site or to your location and actually asking for the right information to build that email database.
Email Database for Small Businesses-
An email database for small businesses has an extremely high value to the bottom line of that small business.
There are several tips and techniques to build your email database for small businesses and most are centered around the on page offer in exchange of the email database add and the targeted traffic sent to the site. Collecting email information on location may be a bit easier but it is commonly overlooked during the course of a normal transaction.
SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT TIP - If you plan on building an email database for your small business then you need to take every opportunity out there to collect this information. If this is done properly you will not only have a sizable database but you will have a push button system to extra income.
Email AutoResponders for Small Businesses -
An Email Auto Responder for Small Businesses is a very good idea. It builds your database and if set up properly will communicate with that database automatically for you once you set it up to do so.
There are lots of different options when it comes to Auto Responders but My choice is Aweber. It is easy to use and costs you about $20 initially to get set up!
Check out Aweber HERE!
There is so much more to learn and there are all types of directions to take this information. It is my hope that this sparked something inside of you to learn more. If you have questions or comments please fill in a comment below and I would be happy to help out!
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